Requirements for the Grid Connection of a Photovoltaic System in Austria

1. Requirements for the Grid Connection of a Photovoltaic System in Austria
In recent years, Austria has witnessed the fastest development of renewable energy sources in Europe. However, this is not solely due to the fact that some federal states like Salzburg and Styria have enacted laws requiring the supply of solar energy to newly constructed buildings. Residents of Austria can also take advantage of numerous state subsidies and grants for the purchase and installation of solar systems. In addition, they have access to low-interest loans for PV modules, energy storage, and necessary accessories.
But before one can benefit from the generation of green energy, certain requirements for the grid connection of a photovoltaic system must be met according to the applicable regulations in Austria. In this article, we will examine these requirements and present you with the most important information on the topic.
Basic Requirements for the Grid Connection of a Photovoltaic System in Austria
These requirements can primarily be found in the document "Electricity Industry and Organization Act" in the respective current version. Similar to Germany, the legislator in Austria has introduced the General Connection Obligation. On this basis, every electricity network operator is legally obligated to define transparent requirements for the connection of photovoltaic systems to the grid. What is extremely important is that such conditions apply to both electricity producers and consumers. Furthermore, the operator must specify a deadline for possible commissioning in the completed grid access contract. Depending on the grid level, this deadline is limited to a maximum of 3 years.
Regardless of the selected operator, a simplified grid access is legally required for systems up to 20 kW. So, if someone wants to operate a photovoltaic system with a rated power of less than 20 kW, they only need to submit a notification for grid connection, which includes, among other things, the following minimum information according to §17a Abs 1 & 2 ElWOG:
- Address of the installation and personal details of the network user,
- Estimated energy yield in kWh,
- Type of installation,
- Maximum power,
- Planned start of feed-in,
- Site plan.
In any case, the number of meters should also be specified, and the exact location where they have been installed should be described.
When Can the Distribution Network Operator Refuse Network Access?
According to the Electricity Industry and Organization Act, the expansion of the grid and the need to take optimization measures in this area may not constitute grounds for refusing the grid connection of a PV system in Austria. Therefore, it is often asked under what circumstances the electricity producer can be denied network access.
What Costs Are Incurred for Grid Connection in Systems with Limited Capacity?
If the above requirements are met and the existing connection capacity is not exceeded, no additional fees need to be paid for grid connection in Austria for photovoltaic systems up to 20 kW. However, a grid access fee is applicable for generation plants with higher rated capacity. For example, in the case of photovoltaic systems with a capacity of 21-250 kW, the flat fee for grid connection is 15 euros per kilowatt.
In summary, the requirements for grid connection for small solar systems up to 20 kW are relatively easy to fulfill. In our online shop, you can purchase complete photovoltaic systems as well as high-quality components such as solar modules, inverters, solar cables, and energy storage systems at unbeatable prices. Take advantage of our reliable consultation service and order all the necessary PV solutions from one source!