Falownik Huawei SUN2000-15KTL-M5, 3-fazowy, 2-MPPT, 15kW, 16,5kVA, AFCI
Falownik Huawei SUN2000-15KTL-M5, 3-fazowy, 2-MPPT, 15kW, 16,5kVA, AFCI
- Falownik Huawei FusionSolar // 3-fazowy, 2-MPPT, wbudowana komunikacja (RS485, WLAN poprzez Smart Dongle-brak w zestawie), rozłącznik DC,15kW/16,5kVA, ograniczniki przepięć strony AC i DC typ II, wsparcie dla optymalizacji
Height [m]: 0.525
Communication: 4G
Communication: Ethernet
Communication: RS485
Communication: WLAN
Number of phases: 3
Number of MPPTs: 2
Number of inputs for MPPT 1: 2
Number of inputs for MPPT 2: 2
Maximum AC power [VA]: 16500
Maximum DC input voltage [V]: 1100
Maximum current for MPPT 1 [A]: 30
Maximum current for MPPT 2 [A]: 30
Maximum AC output current [A]: 23.9
Maximum short circuit current for each MPPT 1 [A]: 40
Maximum short circuit current for each MPPT 2 [A]: 40
Rated power [W]: 15000
DC start voltage [V]: 200
Power [kWp]: 15
Inverter series: SUN2000-12-25KTL-M5
Thickness [m]: 0.262
Width [m]: 0.47
Energy storage compatibility: NO
Display: NO
MPPT tracking voltage range (LOWER) [V]: 410
MPPT tracking voltage range (UPPER) [V]: 800
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